Where am I now?

On a beautiful, calm morning I awake peaceful. I am grateful for that peace because I'm challenged to maintain it throughout every day. Events occur and interactions happen with many people who share varying opinions on life. Some are very in tune with my own outlook, others not so much. I find I'm much more successful at retaining an even keel in most situations. Challenges come at times from conflict in others who haven't had the benefit of my years and my particular countenance.
It can be difficult when situations arise where one is confronted by an occurrence which runs contrary to one's beliefs or knowledge. This occurrence will be either incidental or out of one's control. Neither aspect can actually physically change one's life, but one rails against the occurrence as though their life will never be the same.
I believe it really boils down to this. If it doesn't have any bearing on your life physically, why would you give it import mentally? If you have no control over it physically or mentally, why would you allow it to impact you at all?
If you can change it, change it. If you cannot change it, disregard it.
If it impacts you physically and emotionally, but it's out of your control, remove yourself from the situation.
If you decide to remain transfixed, either physically OR mentally, then suffer in silence. Your decision should impact only YOU.
PEACE be the journey.

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