Author Archives: Kurt Roy

About Kurt Roy

I'm from a very small town in Ontario, Canada. I grew up in a very safe, supportive community. I played hockey, cycled, and loved being outdoors. I worked for some time in a paper mill and eventually became a journeyman millwright. That lasted until the mill was downsized and I took the opportunity to attend photography school in college. Since that time I've been a professional photographer and salesman in the school photography industry. That opportunity has seen us move from Ontario to British Columbia and now to Alberta. I'm a passionate nature/scenic photographer and I absolutely love to capture the beauty that the world has to offer in any season. A great day is one during which I have produced images. The school photography industry has made it possible for me to continue to experience the wonder of children and be one myself every day. A true blessing. Being a salesman in this industry allows me to interact with a varied and interesting bunch of people in many different locations in southern Alberta and southeastern BC. I get to travel to some beautiful places during my work as well. I'm truly lucky to have both opportunities and I know it. I've also been offered a wonderful opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with some incredible employees and clients who have become great friends. They've learned from me. I've learned from them. My life has been enriched through these interactions and I'm thankful.

Just because…

It shouldn’t take a holiday or a special occasion to spur us into expressing our gratitude. I work with an amazing group of people and that makes me fortunate. I work for an incredible array of people in my line of work and that makes me blessed. How many can say that their work environment allows them to experience professionalism, joy, fun, innocence, laughter and tears ? Every day it’s something new, with someone new.

I’ll keep it short and sweet. Thank you all, everyone who I’ve worked with, worked for, and worked it out with again this year. Your continued support, encouragement and assistance makes me one lucky fella.

Thank you to my family for your unfailing, steadfast support and love.DSC_1062


A year later, after having the privilege of completing the Master Key Master Mind Experience, I continue to revel in the calmness in my life and the ongoing effect the program has had on my attitude. It’s apparent that the lessons learned and the habits formed have had a positive, lasting effect that continues to grow within me.

Of course there are set backs and challenges, but my reaction to them had been tempered and muted by a fundamental change in outlook. Whatever situation arises, I’m accepting. Whatever situation arises, I’m of a mind to flex, adapt and carry on. Nothing is earth shattering. It’s simply life. Do your best. Do it for you. Do nice things. Smile 😃

Peace be the journey.

Where am I now?

On a beautiful, calm morning I awake peaceful. I am grateful for that peace because I'm challenged to maintain it throughout every day. Events occur and interactions happen with many people who share varying opinions on life. Some are very in tune with my own outlook, others not so much. I find I'm much more successful at retaining an even keel in most situations. Challenges come at times from conflict in others who haven't had the benefit of my years and my particular countenance.
It can be difficult when situations arise where one is confronted by an occurrence which runs contrary to one's beliefs or knowledge. This occurrence will be either incidental or out of one's control. Neither aspect can actually physically change one's life, but one rails against the occurrence as though their life will never be the same.
I believe it really boils down to this. If it doesn't have any bearing on your life physically, why would you give it import mentally? If you have no control over it physically or mentally, why would you allow it to impact you at all?
If you can change it, change it. If you cannot change it, disregard it.
If it impacts you physically and emotionally, but it's out of your control, remove yourself from the situation.
If you decide to remain transfixed, either physically OR mentally, then suffer in silence. Your decision should impact only YOU.
PEACE be the journey.

After the fire

Here I am a couple months after completing the Master Key Master Mind Experience. I’ve become a calmer, less stressed, more accepting person. I’ve witnessed and benefited from the implementation of the law of acceptance as well as the law of attraction and the law of growth. My business has grown yet again. Surrounding myself with a fantastic, like-minded team has resulted in new business and new friends effortlessly. Personally I find myself at peace with the world, the events I experience, and life in general. I’ve always noticed the beauty of the land, being a photographer at heart, but now this appreciation extends further. I find myself looking for, and appreciating, opportunities for me to recognize the efforts of others to extend kindness. I’m also much more open to my own opportunities to spread compliments and appreciation. I act on these opportunities immediately now, where before they were likely to be put off or missed altogether. I feel more in tune with my fellow man and more involved in their happiness and harmony. It’s more important to me to be a positive influence.

Good days and good days

Gloomy weather. Cold temperatures, greener grass and topics of conversation. Enjoyed the opportunity to get to know some new friends during presentations this week. In discussion it became apparent that what we have to offer is such an improvement over what they’ve previously experienced. It was gratifying, satisfying and encouraging. I’m always confident that we’re the number one team in our business, but when I have an opportunity to lay it out for someone who’s never worked with us, I always revel at their surprise and excitement at the possibilities.

Having experienced the changes and growth through the Master Key Mastermind experience has made a huge difference in my outlook, my attitude, and my focus on helping my new friends realize they’ve not had the best and now they have a chance to. With my heart focused on their needs, I don’t feel compelled to spew features and benefits. I have the pleasure of answering their questions and addressing their needs with solutions that outstrip their expectations. I get to cultivate new relationships.


As I watched the Masters golf final round unfold I was struck by the apparent calmness of the two leaders. Though they were playing for the most prestigious title in golf, as well as more money than many will earn in a lifetime, both competitors appeared outwardly serene. This is a testament to their mental preparation and control, though it wasn’t until it was over and the champion was being interviewed that the real message sunk in for me. Sergio Garcia, the Spanish golfer who had played in 74 previous major championship golf tournaments without winning a title, was asked how he worked his way through the final round, through ups and downs, successes and challenges. The words he spoke hit me like a sledgehammer. Sergio stated that as he played this particular tournament, different from the many others he’d competed in, he felt ACCEPTANCE for whatever transpired, good or bad. He never let his confidence and belief in himself waiver. He said he’d have felt the same even if he hadn’t won. He enjoyed the competition. He enjoyed playing with and against his friend. He was at peace with the eventual outcome. It was inspiring and gratifying to hear his words. I identified with his self confidence and peace with his circumstances. Throughout my continuing journey I strive to maintain the same faith and I gain strength and contentment in the knowledge that all is as it should be. Acceptance and adaptation bring calmness. Possibilities arise. Perhaps not the possibilities we envisioned, but possibilities nonetheless. How we react to those possibilities is our choice. The possibilities that arise in our future are a direct result of the thoughts we choose today. I see huge possibilities in my future. I also see me being open to and excited for those possibilities. Welcoming them with open arms. When they change I will accept and adapt.

Week 25 – becoming

Throughout the MKMME lessons abound. Life lessons, business lessons. Some familiar, some new and exciting. All of a sudden it hit me during Mark’s story. We have an awesome responsibility to have a positive, encouraging impact on the world. Funny thing wss there was no fear in this realization. I was moved to tears and full of resolve to do what I’ve been born to do. I will continue to become the person I AM. I am aware. I am happy. I am on a mission to improve my circumstances and the circumstances of everyone I come in contact with. I don’t quit. I won’t quit. I make a difference!  Peace be the journey.

Week 24 – it’s the truth

Life has taught us all many lessons. We’ve learned how to walk, to speak, to respect our elders, to not talk to strangers, etc, etc.

We’ve witnessed the way our parents, siblings, extended family and peers interact with others and how they live their lives. It has had a profound influence on how we treat others and how we live.

Throughout the master mind experience we’ve been privy to information and ideas. Chief of these ideas is the “old blueprint”. The old blueprint consists of the belief system and reactionary manner to which we’ve become accustomed. It’s our comfort zone. It’s what we KNOW.

Because it’s what we KNOW doesn’t make it RIGHT.

We all KNOW what’s right. Unfortunately, very few of us have the courage or fortitude to embrace the inner person who possesses this knowledge. We’re mired in the old comfort zone where we take the easy road and follow the crowd lest we lose our status as one who belongs. We hadn’t yet realized that, even if we speak our mind and go against the grain, we retain our relevance and lose none of our status. In fact, sticking to your guns and standing up for what you believe elevates you in the only eyes that matter, your own.

You have a responsibility to follow your inner voice. It knows who you are and who you were destined to be. Listen to it. Heed it. It will guide you, as well as draw to you those people and resources you require to fulfill your deepest desires. A single-minded focus on the truth you feel makes life simple. 

You DO what you KNOW in your heart is right, every time, without thought of consequences to your future. You BELIEVE what you believe. You stand UP for what YOU stand FOR. You focus on what you WANT and circumstances, people and resources will appear for you, seemingly out of nowhere. What’s actually happening is, you are changing your world within for the better and the world without is thanking you for the harmony. The more you discover and improve yourself within, the greater your reward. It’s a wonderful circle. You become the change without expectation of recognition or reward. Your circumstances change for the better automatically.

The amazing results drive your future improvement and your circumstances improve yet again. The more good you do, the more good you experience and the more freedom you enjoy.

To say what you feel when you feel it and live your life according to your inner guide is the epitome of the hero’s journey. Inspire yourself in order to inspire others through service. Keep it simple. Follow your heart to the truth and listen to your Herald. If you do, you will discard the need to defend your words, your beliefs and your actions. You will have become the beacon.

Peace be the journey

Week 23 – The “One thing”

Omigosh! I’ve experienced a great deal in my life. Good, bad, lasting, fleeting, tragic and joyful. Through it all I’ve found myself to be strong, resilient, adaptable, confrontational, disbelieving, passionate, empathetic, so on a so forth. I’ve always held a very high opinion of myself and my capabilities. It’s always been my way to find solutions and forget disappointments. I had no idea how blessed I was to be able to do this.
Today I stand in awe of the person I am becoming. I now understand just how much more capable, loving and defenseless I can be. I’m so incredibly pumped to continue this metamorphosis into that person. I can feel the light radiating through me, screaming to be set free and I now know how to let it out and fear not the consequences.
I’ve never given a whole lot of thought to what others think of me. I’ve never given them that power, but I’ve also held back on my own power to think, to have a definite knowledge of who I am and what I want, and the freedom to chase it wholeheartedly. I had seen that power in my father. He would speak his mind and his heart whenever it suited him, regardless of the reaction of others. I see now how freeing that really is and I’m incredibly excited to pursue it.
I can’t explain the feeling inside me at this moment, but I’m loving it. It’s warm. It’s open to exploration. It’s energizing !
I am now fearless. I am now defenseless. I am now responsible.
The future holds uncertainty. I am not afraid. I believe. It’ll be a great adventure to find what it holds.
I live for today. I watch for and recognize everything and everyone. It all holds relevance, today. It’s all magical, today.
Yesterday is gone and it’s not coming back. I’ve dismissed it.
I have become a beacon, a light source. I’m shiny and new !
Peace be the journey. I always keep my promises.

Week 22 -The mind that matters

Today we take a leap of faith.

Thoughts come and thoughts go without much effort or consideration. We react to situations as we’ve been taught to do by our past experiences and our role models, friends and peers.

Today I’ve evolved to the point that I can accept the responsibility of forming my own ideas and I’ve realized that the quality of my thoughts affects the quality of my health and circumstances. Deep, isn’t it ?

Consider this. If you had the power to affect change, would you do it ? What if that change included your physical health ? Can you believe that your thoughts can actually influence your cells ? Can you believe that your thoughts can impact your physical well-being ? I know you CAN, but WILL you ?

In a world of pills for this and medicine for that, the scientific community would find it hard to accept these ideas, I know. The idea that, with positive, healing THOUGHTS, you can improve your physical health is a tough sell to the skeptical, conditioned mind that has for it’s lifetime known only that, when you’re feeling down or under the weather, the commercials say “take this elixir and relieve your pain”.

There have been numerous studies that have proven that a group given only placebos has experienced improvement. They BELIEVED the medicine they were taking was going to help them. Their positive thoughts impacted their body’s ability to heal itself through positive energy.

Today I adopt a change in attitude and a huge leap of faith. I believe I can improve my circumstances with a positive outlook and positive thoughts. I continue to consume the medicine I’ve been prescribed, but I am beginning a journey of faith that I have previously not considered. It is now my focus to assist the medicine with my ability to think positively and focus that power where I need it most.

I’m excited for the day when I no longer require the additional medication. I’m excited about the freedom that entails.

The mind is a powerful thing, though none of us use but a smidgen of it. The potential is staggering. My goal is to unleash that potential, but how do I do that ? I first decide to get out of it’s way. I won’t place limitations or restrictions on it. I accept that not all thoughts can be or are positive right out of the gate, but I am mindful of the fact that I have the power to make them so once I recognize they’re there. I refuse to dwell in negativity. I pledge to maintain a positive outlook and a positive mind-set. I set aside time daily to dwell quietly and with focus on what CAN be and how it SHOULD be. This energy is good and helpful and powerful. I give myself permission to open my mind and my heart. I accept that I am NOT in control, nor do I want to BE in control. What drives me now is making the world a better place. I do that by disconnecting the “me” and focusing on the “them”. What goes around, comes around, and I give without expectation.